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This adds beauty and interest, and the right shoreline plants have deep root systems that capture runoff much better than lawns, filtering sediment and excess nutrients and serve to deter nuisance species—GEESE!
Attend to areas that are struggling to hold-back runoff. Consider a rain garden to capture runoff and beautify your property. Downspouts, controlled run-off areas and rain gardens are great ways to manage heavy runoff.
Avoid using lawn and garden fertilizers near shorelines—and if you fertilize, use a natural alternative only as needed and not within 35 feet of shore.
Tackle overgrown vegetation such as Buckthorn that crowds out soil-retaining low ground cover—then plant groundcovers to keep soil on-shore.
Keep leaf droppings and grass clippings out of the Lake. Get help to rake/remove leaves that gather at your shoreline—they make great mulch once removed and significantly reduce phosphorus-loading that spurs algae and other unwanted weed growth.
Check your septic system regularly for safe operation and don’t overload your asystem, if possible.
- AND -
Keep chemicals and phosphorus detergents out of your septic field. Find environmentally safe alternatives that work for you.
Each jaunt around the Lake…monitor prop wash that stirs up the Lake bottom. Steer clear of shallow areas if possible, and if unavoidable, limit speed sharply and raise your lower unit in known shallow areas. Churned up lake bottoms put excessive nutrients into the Lake spurring algae growth.
Keep an eye out for invasive species such as Eurasian Milfoil and others…if you see something, say something!
Observe the Five Day Rule before launching on Beaver Lake, or power-wash your boat clean after boating on another body of water.